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Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

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Hank Butler Photo

Hank Butler

Lead Data Scientist and Data Engineer, General Assembly


Hank Butler is a Lead Instructor for GA’s Data Science Immersive Program. Before GA, Hank has worked in various industries including politics, quantitative finance, supply chain, and for a logistics start-up. Hank is passionate about using data to solve problems in various industries and enjoys showing others how to apply data science in their fields.

Some of his favorite Python libraries and tools include Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, StatsModels, and PyTorch.

Some of his favorite tools for Data Visualization include: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Folium, and GGplot2

Outside of teaching and data science, he loves watching sports, movies, reading, hiking, and going to the beach.

What His Students Say:

Hank clearly shows a great mastery of everything we've come in contact with thus far (and if he isn't positive about something, he isn't afraid to table it for later, which is a great trait in an instructor). He also makes our lessons fun, which (again) is very much welcomed considering the difficulty of some of the concepts we've encountered and the pace that we go. Also, maybe most importantly, Hank has shown that he does his absolute best to not leave anyone behind during the lessons. If anyone has a question or is confused, he is more than willing to stop and make sure everyone is comfortable. * -Student from September 2023*

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